Thursday, 10 February 2011

We love Vintage Glassware.......

We thought we would share our love of Vintage Glassware with you and couldn´t think of a better example to start with than this beautiful piece of Whitefriars glass by Geoffery Baxter. No longer in operation, the Whitefriars Factory produced arguably the best quality glass ever created in Britain. This great glassware has gained in popularity over the last 10years and has become sought after by collectors across Europe and indeed the world.

This piece has been given the nickname the Mobile Phone Vase due to its unique shape and glass bubbles which resemble the buttons on a mobile phone. The vase was designed in the late 1960s and is from the Whitefriars "Textured" Range. For more info on C20th glassware make sure to check out

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Keep udated......

Make sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to get regular updates on what's going on at HQ!!

Monday, 7 February 2011

"It's all gone Vintage Darling" @ The Irish Furniture Fair, RDS Dublin April 2011

We are delighted to be working with our good friend Jill O'Neill over at Refound here in Belfast to bring some of our pieces to The Irish Furniture Fair in RDS Dublin April 2011, Irelands largest furniture and interiors trade event which showcases hundreds of exciting new products from Irish and worldwide exhibitors.  We will be exhibiting this beautiful Ercol Sideboard which has been professionally refinished in dove grey, charcoal and vintage yellow! Make sure to check back for more details nearer the time!

We just love Refounds work which is an exciting new concept, fusing reclaimed furniture and art. Using unwanted and past-its-prime furniture as the canvas, the ReFound artists transform reclaimed pieces into unique, functional artworks. Make sure to check out Jills great website at

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Its been a while.....but we are back in full swing!!!!!

Its been a while........ but we are back in full swing!! We have been busy beavering away behind the scenes since October working on some great new pieces and scouring the country high and low for the best of the best vintage gems and retro delights that we could find just for you all. We have some pretty exciting things lined up for 2011 and can´t wait to tell you, but not just yet!

We have some stunning pieces over the coming months and which we hope will bring a little glow of joy into these long, cold winter nights! Keep your eyes peeled, sit back and enjoy!